A coaches job is to help you see your mind…

Have you ever wondered what the hell a clinical and leadership coach does day to day?

I hear you – I was intrigued when I began on this journey – let me divulge some information.

My main role as a coach is to create a safe space for you to explore all the things – life, career, leadership, self-care, and personal development.

When you coach with me – I have one goal, to help you see your mind and how it may be stopping you from moving forward.

My job is to help you decipher between what is fact and what is a story.

It's my job to help you create space between the things that happen in your world and your thoughts about them.

It's my primary goal to help you reclaim your power, by managing your mind, in a way that empowers you to succeed.

My aim for all my clients is to reduce the noise of the ego brain and to empower you to think deliberately, in a way that serves you instead of disempowering you.

This is very important work, as most of us are running old beliefs and thought patterns we have collected from our past and social/professional conditioning that mentally harm us.

The type of coaching I engage in is causal coaching. It focuses on finding the root cause of your pain points and from there we work through your thoughts, feelings, and actions that create the results in your life.

Once you have awareness and the skills to change anything in your life, you will leave feeling empowered with amazing life skills.

Self-coaching and leadership, I believe is the missing link in our undergraduate training. It’s the missing piece in building a sustainable career and life in this complex, challenging system we work in. It’s the missing link in surviving life as a human!!!

When in your life have you been taught how to manage your most valuable resource – your brain?

If you are intrigued about how coaching can help you (because it can help everyone) then reach out – book a call and let's chat about how coaching can help you transform your life, career, and leadership.


Complaining isn’t serving you.


It’s your job to work on yourself…