It’s your job to work on yourself…

I want to get all serious for a minute here… 

How much are you truly willing to invest in yourself to get to your goals?            

I have been listening to the Daily Stoic Podcast recently and he asked this question. 

Ryan Halliday (the owner of the podcast) mentioned that often we are so willing to go to invest significantly in our careers, our work, and our jobs, without thinking about it too much. It struck a chord. 

Here’s the truth, most clinicians invest heavily in accumulating more post-grads, certificates, and conferences, designed to help you grow as a clinician. 

I like to ask people, when did you invest in YOURSELF, your human personal development – nothing related to your career. 

I have to say, having attended numerous conferences, professional study days, and post-graduate courses, they have all lacked one fundamental component of reflection – the understanding that for any of the knowledge learned to be applied, we must first learn, understand and develop self-awareness. 

For example, if you try to implement some new change management technique and process as a manager, but you have never stopped to explore your thoughts about change, your long-held beliefs, and your personal bias, how can you expect others to accept the change without complaint? 

You can't. 

So, I share this with you to highlight the critical importance of self-exploration, self-coaching, and self-leadership work. 

Your only job on this planet is to explore who you are and develop as a human. Take the first step today and start exploring who you are. 

Last year I delivered a self-leadership training course and I think it would be a good place for you to start! 

You can watch it here. Password for entry is: BSAB2021

Do the work – you will never regret it.


A coaches job is to help you see your mind…


“Bad Nursing Manager Bias…”