Complaining isn’t serving you.

Are you someone who spends a lot of time complaining?

Do you work with a team of people who constantly complain?

Do you catch yourself in a cycle of moaning and complaints?

No shame.

I get it – I was a chronic complainer for a decade.

I indulged in it. It felt justified. It felt good to get it all out.

Here’s the thing, it feels good for about a millisecond, and then it feels terrible.

It's almost infectious as a practice because your negativity seeps out of you and then overburdens another.

When I realised that I had full choice and control over what I choose to say, think, and believe – I stopped complaining (as much).

You see, when we are complaining, it’s never really from a clean headspace.

We are often fatigued, burnout, and cognitively overloaded. Sound familiar??

Does this mean, that complaining is then justifiable?

Well …. No.

I want you to get serious for a second and get openly curious.

Has complaining about anything in your life ever really got you what you want in an empowering way? Free from shame, guilt, and vulnerability hangovers?

Me neither.

The crux is, complaining doesn’t serve us and it in fact gives away our power to other people.

That’s why I believe complaining is not serving you.

Try to see the opportunity, the growth, and the capacity for you in every experience. This isn’t to be toxically positive. This is to protect your mental well-being and to stay in your power.

The minute we complain – we are highlighting that something external to us has the ability to control our thoughts and feelings.

And that is not true.

Instead of complaining – explore what you are grateful for and watch your life turn around.

What you focus on expands my friend.


Self care is not indulgent, it's critical.


A coaches job is to help you see your mind…