143: I won an award... Here's what I learnt

I won an award and I want to tell you all about it, my lessons and learnings on the way to building my business and serving 400+ nurses!

In this episode, we discover the importance of embracing personal transformation, challenging conventional norms, and finding satisfaction in our work.

We also explore interconnected identities, emphasizing the potential that comes with integrating all facets of our identity to foster personal growth. Effective leadership in healthcare, with an emphasis on emotional regulation, is crucial, as dysregulated leaders can inadvertently disrupt teams and patient care. Additionally, coaching emerges as a powerful tool for clinicians to combat burnout and stress, paving the way for personal and professional growth.

By embracing personal transformation, harnessing coaching, and pursuing their true potential, you nurses can unlock a life of meaning and success in a thriving nursing industry. Join us on this empowering journey of transformation.

Key takeaways:

09:38 - Embrace emotions, suffer less, live authentically.

12:04 - Experiencing life and finding clarity.

19:37 - Dysregulation hampers careers and overall well-being.

25:38 - Self-transforming mind

29:28 - Emotional regulation is crucial for leadership and teamwork.

37:10 - Importance of feeling on a journey to the goal.

47:47 - Feelings matter on the path to success.

52:53 - Money = freedom. Create wealth to inspire others.

54:58 - Clinicians finding inspiration, empowering grads, reinventing nurses, resonating content, truth-telling, impactful nursing industry.

59:36 - Embrace feelings to create desired life, career.

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Brooke Castillo

144: Busy to Bored Nursing


142: Reclaiming Your Power in Nursing