164. Why You won't Give Yourself Permission to Apply

Are you a nurse who has been sitting on the sidelines, curious about career options and how to leverage your nursing skills to create a career that works for you? If so, it's time to give yourself permission to explore and apply for new opportunities.

In this episode of the High Performance Nursing Podcast, we’ll talk about the importance of giving yourself permission to apply and the role that stress plays in holding us back. By understanding our stress levels and finding ways to regulate them, we can create a nursing career that aligns with our goals and aspirations.

Key takeaways:

01:10 Need for a trigger or event to stimulate action in nursing careers

03:01 Permitting oneself to explore different pathways

04:11 Changing by design or by disaster

06:24 Two states of stress: hyper and hypo

10:43 Importance of understanding physiology and making changes to manage stress

12:46 Comparing chronic stress and chronic fatigue

13:29 The consequences of not addressing chronic stress

17:18 The impact of stress on decision-making and capacity for change

18:04 The stress experienced by nursing students and graduates

20:40 Normalizing stress and raising awareness of stress levels

21:41 Spend more time in homeostasis for a better nursing career.

5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅

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Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!


165. How to Land Your Grad in 2024


163. Comparison as a nurse - My thoughts