144: Busy to Bored Nursing

Busy to Bored Nursing

In today's episode, we dive deep into the topic of boredom and its often underestimated power. We explored the idea of sitting with boredom, questioning why it is seen as a problem, and embracing the space it creates for curiosity and personal reflection. I also shared my own theory on the subject, shedding light on the societal norm of busyness that often prevents us from truly connecting with ourselves.

I shared stories from my experience as a clinician, where chronic stress and trauma have become the norm, but the importance of self-care and creating space for boredom still remains.

As we unravel the connection between boredom, resilience, and personal growth, join us in rediscovering the value of embracing these moments of stillness and reevaluating our relationship with busyness.

Key takeaways:

01:41 - Self-care is essential; prioritize your well-being

05:30 - Boredom is not always a problem.

12:06 - Busy-ness vs. stress conditioning.

13:44 - Understanding our dysregulated nature leads to self-care.

19:34 - Embrace boredom, find brilliance in empty space.

24:51 - High stress career leads to burnout and trauma.

28:19 - Normalize boredom, feel emotions, avoid burnout.

33:21 - Promote homeostasis and compassion in our culture.

38:11 - Invest in personal development for better health.

39:16 - Building mental and emotional capacity is crucial for success.

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