The secret to achieve fulfillment as a nurse

Have you been told the same lies I was told throughout my career?

That career fulfillment and happiness lies in a job somewhere in a field with daisies and rainbows?

Erm – no.

I remember being told by manager peers/managers to “bide my time and to keep working, getting the experience I need to land this mysterious “fulfilling role”.

Honestly…. I don’t know about you but I am still searching for it – in nursing at least.

Why? because fulfillment and happiness cannot possibly exist outside of me, in a job.

A job is just a job.

I might think its fulfilling but my peer in the same role might think that its terrible.

So how can that be?

The first secret is that career fulfillment is available to all of us.

Its available to you right now regardless of the job you are in. Whether its “great” or “terrible”.

Why – because all feelings and emotions that we experience are created by the thoughts we have about our job.

Let that sink in.

What you think about your job is what generates your emotions.

This is the secret sauce to understanding why its possible that two people in the same job in the same ward, can have two very different thoughts and therefore feelings.

Mind blowing hey?

In order to live your best life as a human first, nurse second and to invite in all the fulfilment, you first need to see what’s going on in your mind!

Your thoughts left unattended is like a plane flying on autopilot with no pilot on board.

This my friend is why MINDSET and self coaching is going to be one of the biggest components of our HPN membership.

Are you ready to learn how to manage your mind and take back all your control in your life, career, relationships, goals and all the things?

Join our HPN waitlist here!

Your future self will thank you!


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