5 questions to ask your graduate interview panel.

As a graduate nurse, finding the right job can be a daunting task and you don’t just want to take the first role offered.

While it may be tempting to accept any offer that comes your way, it's important to ensure that the job is a good fit for you.

Remember, you are interviewing the panel as much as they are interviewing you!

Here are five questions that you should ask your interview panel to determine if the job is the right fit for you:

  1. What is the typical nurse-patient ratio in this organisation?

    Knowing the nurse-to-patient ratio is essential to understand how much workload you will have on your shift. It's important to ensure that the ratio is manageable and will allow you to provide the best care to your patients. This will help you make informed decisions about which role you might want to consider, if your state doesn’t mandate ratios.

  2. What professional development and growth opportunities exist within this program/role?

    As a graduate nurse, you should be looking for opportunities to continue learning and growing. Ask about the training programs and certifications that the job offers, and whether there is room for advancement within the organization. Asking this will indicate if you have access to scholarships/grants or reduced fee post-graduate certificates through the organisation. Whilst more study might not be your plan right now, it may be in a year or two!

  3. What is the culture like on the unit/In the organisation?

    This is a stick question, but one worth asking. Who want’s to find out the job they have taken is a hot mess after they decline all the other roles? The culture of a unit can have a significant impact on your job satisfaction. Ask about the team dynamic and how the staff works together. This will give you an idea of whether you will fit in with the team. If they can’t answer, you may want to skip this opportunity!

  4. What does support look like when I begin this role?

    Starting a new job can be overwhelming, but a thorough orientation process and understanding of the day to day support available can help ease the transition. Ask about the orientation process, how often you see your educators, preceptors including how long it lasts and what it entails.

  5. How does the organization support work-life balance?

    Work-life balance is crucial for job satisfaction and preventing burnout. Ask about the organization's policies on scheduling, time off, and flexibility. This will give you an idea of how supportive the organization is of its employees' wellbeing and what they have in place to support you to thrive in your career!

By asking any of these questions during your interview, you'll gain a better understanding of whether the job is a good fit for you. Remember to take your time when considering job offers, and don't be afraid to ask for more information if needed. Good luck in your job search!

About the author.

Liam is an ex-Nurse Unit Manager, who has sat on graduate nurse panels across Australia and knows what panels are looking for! My vision is to make sure NO graduate nurse is without a job in 2023!

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