How to delay the interview panel during graduate nursing interviews!

New Graduate nursing interviews tips…

Did you know as a graduate nurse you can use delay tactics to buy you more time when you just can’t answer that interview question?

As a graduate nurse, it’s totally normal to feel nervous or overwhelmed during a job interview.

It's normal to want to answer every question as quickly and confidently as possible, but sometimes you may need a moment to gather your thoughts.

During the interview, It’s important to recognize we are in a state of fight or flight.

So your brain is working at its fullest potential - I know! Bad timing!

That’s why, you must learn how to leverage delay strategies to give yourself the most chances of success!

Let’s discuss your options:

  1. Repeat the question to fully understand it before answering. This not only gives you more time to think but also ensures that you have fully understood the question before answering. For example " So you are asking what my strengths and weaknesses are, is that correct?"

  2. Ask for clarification if unsure about the question. This shows that you're interested in understanding the question fully, and it gives you more time to think. For example " I am unsure what the question requires from me, Can you repeat the question please?"

  3. Use filler phrases like "That's a great question" or "Let me think about that" to buy more time. Just be careful not to overuse them, as they can become distracting if used too frequently.

  4. Take a sip of water to gather thoughts and calm your nerves. Taking a sip of water can help you calm your nerves, as well as give you a few seconds to gather your thoughts.

  5. Use a transitional statement to bridge the gap between the question and your answer. Transitional statements can help you organize your thoughts and provide a more coherent answer. For example "Thanks for the question, Comprehensive care is something I deliver to my patients every day. Recently...."

  6. Delay the question until later if feeling overwhelmed, but use it sparingly. This can give you more time to gather your thoughts, but it's important to use this tactic sparingly and strategically. For example " Can I come back to that question later?"

  7. Remember multiple opportunities to answer questions, including asking to revisit any questions you feel you didn't answer well. This shows that you're committed to providing the best possible answer and that you're willing to put in the extra effort.

  8. Use interview notes to stay organized, focused, and confident, and answer questions more effectively. Having prepared notes on hand can help you stay organized, focused, and confident during the interview, and can give you a reference point if you need to buy more time.

In conclusion, these delay tactics can help graduate nurses just like you buy more time during an interview and provide thoughtful and well-crafted answers, even with fight or flight brain!

Remember this, the panel wants you to succeed.

What will you implement from this blog in your interviews? Let me know @highperformancenursing on IG.

About the author.

Liam is an ex-Nurse Unit Manager, who has sat on graduate nurse panels across Australia and knows what panels are looking for! My vision is to make sure NO graduate nurse is without a job in 2023!

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